
Every native has a slave value, even natives that are not slaves. This value is equal to all of the Prime stats added together + the Servant skill. If you are not a slave, you may own a slave or a number of slaves in value up to your slavery assets. See Special Assets section for more information about slavery assets.

Slave Value = {PW + AG + ED + MI + SP + Servant skill}

Slavery's effects on skills and assets

A slave has their weapon, armor, and utility skills limited by the servant skill of their owner. This can limit not only their capability in combat, but can also limit their base and special assets. A slave can make use of no more in a weapon, armor, or utility skill than their owner's servant skill, any higher becomes wasted talent because the owner can't recognize the skill the slave has. If an owner has a servant skill of 8, and their slave has a poison skill of 12, and dagger skill of 6, then the slave's dagger skill is usable at a 6, and their poison skill is only usable at 8. This also limits the slave's poisonous materials to 8 instead of 12. Regardless of the servant skill of the owner, a slave always has 0 slavery assets, because slaves can't own slaves.

It should be noted that, if all of your slave assets are currently tied up with slaves, and you hand a slave an air dagger of ion (worth 4 assets), you no longer are spending the 4 assets on holding the dagger yourself, but you must allocate 4 base assets to your slavery assets. You are in this way still benefiting from your air dagger of ion even though you are not wielding it. You are still technically the owner of the dagger because slaves don't truly own assets. If the slave does not have the base assets to accommodate such a dagger, it can merely hold onto it (as long as it's not overburdened by the weight), but it will either not occur to the slave to use it, or it might believe it to be far too precious of an item to use.

If a slave is ordered to use an item that it cannot support with its own assets, it will fail in any attempt despite trying to follow the order to the best of its ability.

Ordering slaves around and resisting orders

When a slave tries to resist an order, it makes a competence roll against a threshold set by their owner. Failing the roll, the slave goes along with the order, possibly grudgingly.

Competence: {(Slave's Will * 2) – (Slave's Servant Skill/3)}; Threshold: {(Owner's Will + Owner's Servant Skill - 4}

Selling and Buying Slaves

Slaves have a selling price too: a number of shards (of proper type for the seller) equal to their appraised value.

Appraised value is the sum of:

Slave Value

Base Assets
1/2 Poisonous Materials
1/2 Trap Parts
1/6 Armor skills (summed)
1/6 Weapon Skills (summed)
1/6 Utility Skills (summed)
1/3 Attunements (summed)
1 per Sight beyond starting 1 (sum – 1)
1/2 forte (summed)
10 x looks (of the slave's race to the seller's race – this is often a negative number, use the slave's sheet)

Appraised Value = {Slave Value + Base Assets + {Poison Assets / 2} + {Trap Assets / 2} + {Sum of Armor skills / 6} + {Sum of Weapon skills / 6} + {Sum of Utility Skills / 6} + {Sum of Attunements / 3} + {Sum of Sights - 1} + {Sum of Fortes / 2} + {Looks * 10 based on slave}

The looks of the slave (slave's character sheet) to the seller * 10 is applied as a reduction to the slave's appraised value. If the seller doesn't like the way the slave looks, they're more likely to try and get rid of it for a better-looking slave, even if they have to sell it cheap.