Special Assets
Special assets are used for their appropriate scope. They are used first, and if you find you do not have enough special assets to accommodate your needs, you can allocate base assets to buffer any of the special assets on a 1-for-1 basis. In other words, you can carry more poisons or trap parts, or bring better slaves than you would otherwise bother. You can use special assets to bolster your base assets at a 12-for-1 basis for trap parts and poisions or 32-for-1 basis for slavery. Slaves may not benefit from asset bolstering of any kind.
Poison Materials: This is your stock of poisons. The total value of poisonous materials can be up to your Poison skill without using up base assets.
Trap Parts: Used to make traps. You can hold a number of parts equal to your Trap skill without using up base assets.
Check the poisons and traps for Asset values of various poisons or traps.
Slavery Assets: You can own a number of slaves. You have a number of slave assets equal to your merchant and servant skills multiplied together then divided by two. Not only do you count the asset cost of your slave but also the asset cost of any items they are using too. So if your Merchant and Servant skills are 12 each then you have 72 slavery assets. If your slave is worth 62 slavery assets and you put them in bone plate and hand them an axe; then they are using 71 of your slavery assets. The base assets and special assets of a slave are limited through their owner.
See Slave to determine slave value.